quarta-feira, março 16, 2011

River's Recovering

Good afternoon everyone! Ribeira do Pereiro is undergoing a redevelopment of public space, this upgrade includes a recreation area near willow tree, the river is being reclassified with rustic materials, mainly stone.

This requalification Is Being Conducted between the Parish Council of Alpedriz and Camara Municipal de Alcobaça. The population of the Ribeira do Pereiro says many thanks, because finally we have a place were parents can make barbecue and the children playing in the clean pure water .

                                                                                                                          Friend Hélio

1 comentário:

raquel disse...

Parabéns pelo Blog está muito bonito e apelativo.
Viva à nossa aldeia :)

A Cottage framed in one of the Most Beautiful Rural Villages of Alcobaça which by the geographical location is very close to the Antlantic Coast, Natural Park and the history of Portugal.

Welcome and enjoy it